WCF Foundation

WCF Foundation is dedicated to helping women build the skills and infrastructure they need to become more effective leaders in public life.

Who Needs More Women in Government? Everyone.

WCF Foundation’s National Awareness Campaign disturbs complacency about the abysmally low number of women in public office and why their political equality plays a crucial role in our country’s strength and future. Using research and statistics in unique ways, WCF Foundation will prove to the nation that everyone needs more women in government.

Our campaign integrates multiple efforts, including the unique performance piece Voices From The Ladder. The Washington, DC premiere of Voices From The Ladder took place on September 23, 2010 during WCF’s Hail to the Chiefs Reception at the National Museum of Women in the Arts. Directed by Barbara Richards and Kimberly Sedmak, Voices From The Ladder features 13 of America’s strongest women leaders including Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, Congresswoman-elect Terri Sewell, Liz Shuler, and Lilly Ledbetter. Their personal stories inspired us and continued to remind us that we need more women in government.


Please enjoy the video of our September 23, 2010 performance:



Selected images from the September 23, 2010 performance of Voices From The Ladder

Voices From The Ladder made its national premiere on March 11, 2010 at WCF’s annual Parties Of Your Choice Gala in New York. Directed by the Artistic Director of Transport Group, Jack Cummings, Voices From The Ladder featured 17 trailblazing women leaders including Ambassador Swanee Hunt, Barbara Lee, Secretary Jennifer Brunner, Liz Shuler, and Christie Hefner. Each of their unique perspectives paints the picture of why we need more women in government.


Please enjoy the video of our March 11, 2010 performance:

Voices From The Ladder is created to be performed by groups of women from across the country adding their personal perspective about why we need more women in government. This performance piece serves not only to help us understand the importance of having more women in government, but also serves to inspire more women to consider pursuing leadership positions. Click here for more information.

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